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I’m it! Four things about me

Whoa. I got tagged by none other than Derrick over at Obsession with Food. He assures me that even A-listers are doing this thing and so, without further ado, here are my “Four Things.” (And Derrick, how are those quilts coming along anyway?)

Four jobs I’ve had:

  1. Explainer of the then new idea of a single line for service in a bank
  2. Tomato packer
  3. Docutech operator
  4. Community manager for web communities.
Four movies I can watch over and over (arrrgh, what about Queen Christina? or W&G? or Chicken Run?:

  1. Anything with Katherine Hepburn
  2. It’s a Wonderful Life
  3. Holiday Inn
  4. Anything with Greer Garson
Four places I’ve lived:

  1. Rensselaer NY
  2. Syracuse NY
  3. New York NY
  4. Brainard NY
Four TV shows I love:

  1. Antiques Road Show (US and Brit versions)
  2. Anything Julia Child
  3. Jacque Pepin Fast Food My Way (I wish he’d cook for me someday!)
  4. Love Monkey (at last a show with a story line and no gore or perversion.
Four places I’ve vacationed:

  1. Cape Cod and near Plymouth Mass.
  2. Northfield VT
  3. London ONT Canada
  4. Chicago IL
Four of my favorite dishes:

  1. Pizza or Ciabatta – I couldn’t pick
  2. A good pot roast with LOTS of carrots and gravy
  3. Floating Islands
  4. Fresh tomato, hellmans and black pepper on good white bread on a hot summer day
Four sites I visit daily regularly:

  1. Funky Winkerbean
  2. NYTimes
  3. Webstats (I admit I’m a counter fanatic)
  4. Bread Coffee Chocolate Yoga
Four places I’d rather be right now:

  1. Sewing Room
  2. Dance Camp
  3. Quilt retreat, show, festival you name it
  4. in bed with a good book
Four bloggers I’m tagging:

I won’t name names, but I’m counting on my regulars to pick up the challenge and tell us here in comments that you’re doing it. Come on – you know who you are…. It was fun to do. You know you want to.

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